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About Me

Mandjou Kone
West African Dance Teacher, Performer, Singer, Author and Song-Writer
Mandjou Koné was born in Burkina Faso to Malian parents. She was raised in both Mali and Burkina Faso, in West Africa. Mandjou descends from the Koné family, a well-known Griot lineage. The Griot of West Africa are mediators, peacemakers, and councilors of society. They are renowned for their unique ability to accurately record and aurally archive events, passing history down from one generation to the next.
Mandjou is an author, storyteller, and dance educator. She has taught, performed and conducted workshops at multiple universities, schools and other establishments in the US including California State University Chico, Stanford University, University of California Berkeley, University of Oregon, University of California Santa Cruz, and Pixar Animation Studios.